domingo, 3 de abril de 2011

… arte iluminada

FRANÇOIS MORELLET - réinstallations

O Centro Pompidou em Paris mostra uma retrospectiva de instalações de François MorelletUsando lâmpadas fluorescentes a tridimensionalidade surge numa obra "iluminada", que enche o espaço e recria formas inusitadas e surpreendentes.  Arte efémera que vem para ficar!

For more than three decades, Dan Flavin (1933-1996) vigorously pursued the artistic possibilities of fluorescent light. The artist radically limited his materials to commercially available fluorescent tubing in standard sizes, shapes, and colors, extracting banal hardware from its utilitarian context and inserting it into the world of high art. The resulting body of work at once possesses a straightforward simplicity and a deep sophistication.

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